For almost a year now, I have been heartbroken over all the carnage going on in Israel. Over the innocent Israeli hostages who were dragged from the Nova Festival on Oct. 7, and from the nearby Kibbutz, and over all the innocent Palestinians who have been killed and displaced in the goal to get rid of the terrorists Hamas which started all this.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, said Gandhi.
Can Hamas ever be eliminated? There must be another way, but that's another essay for a terrorist expert to do.
The most recent murder of an Israeli hostage, a yoga teacher, by Hamas, struck me especially personally. See the beautiful soul in the middle , upper row?... She was a yoga teacher and occupational therapist and her name was CARMEL GAT ,
On Oct 7 of last year, she saw her mother murdered in front of her during the kibbutz raid by the terrorist group Hamas, and then Hamas dragged Carmel off to their tunnels where she met the same fate as her mother, this past weekend.
But while stuck in one of their horrific, terrorist tunnels for almost a year, she was composed enough to teach fellow hostages how to meditate and do various yoga poses, to help them survive their unimaginable ordeal.
Unlike her, some others have been lucky enough to live and tell of her legacy.
Hostages who were released spoke of her as their “Guardian Angel” for teaching the powerful calming effects of yoga to themselves and children, bringing some light into their daily darkness.
What the world needs now is more yoga, not more hate. Not more anti-semitism or anti-Palestiniasm, not more greedy fighting, not more thinking that "ownership" is the be-all and end-all or that we are not all related to one another, because, in reality, we truly are.
What the world needs now is more soul, and more people who are in touch with their soul, and that's what yoga and meditation do for us--they put us in touch with our soul. They put us in touch with our true light, our true self. They open our heart chakra to compassion, to a feeling of oneness with all, to a spaciousness that opens to more LOVE, not hate. To the desire to share and to feel the innate connection to all. To having true respect for the value of all life. This is not what is happening in most of the world.
In Carmel's honour, and so that her name will forever be remembered, I will teach Freedom-Style yoga, for free, at any fundraiser that someone may wish to organize with their friends to raise money for families of hostages.
To help continue her legacy in a way that she may have done so herself. Had she not fallen into the inhumane ruthlessness of terrorists during last weekend’s cowardly massacre of six hostages.
Join me. If you are a teacher, create an event in your town. Or if you are an avid yogi, get your friends together and create one too